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web design and SEO work to do list:
By Daniel Chun, web design and SEO specialist) ,
510-684-7207, web design & SEO

Here is the important list from one SEO specialist that I know, he mentioned that I like to mention, I want to share with you to improve your visibility in google search , especially small business owner who want to be in Top #3 in Google local business search result: Well, google has been changing their search result policy from time to time.

Previously, there was 7 business listing show on top of business search results, but now, it is only 3 business show on google. This mean, it is more difficult to get in top #3, but once you get in, you will get more phone call from your customers.

For the SEO specialist and business owners, improving their ranking work is getting tougher and tougher since everybody wants to be a top Google ranking position.

Here in California, especially, I live in outskirts of the Silicon Valley, the city name is El Sobrante, not many businesses are in here, to compare with San Jose or Mountain view, Sunnyvale like the Heart of Silicon Valley cities. But there are still many competitions between new business and old business in El Sobrante. New business owner wants to attract more customers to their business with the new way of marketing, Google Adsense, Yelp, Facebook AD, Google Local listing.  The Old business owner who is losing their customs wants to recover their posting by hiring the web designer and SEO specialist to build their website and posting internet advertisement. (web design in El Sobrante CA)

The paper yellow page is long gone, and everybody uses the smartphone to find the services and business for their needs. Therefore, Top google search ranking position is “the King” and “the key factors” of the small business owners.

I have many customers who are painters, roofers, gardeners, acupuncturists, therapists, contractors, taxi drivers, and plumbers. All of them want to be in Top place of google search because they know it is important and it is their lifeline of their business.

Three years ago, tow local taxi drivers visited my web design office, they are father and son. They look like didn’t know anything about a website or google search, but they heard that is important for their business, so they want to have a website. (I created the one website in 1st year, next year, they came back and get an additional 5 websites that I suggested. Now they are dominating “taxi business” in 5-6 nearby cities. Their business alway shows on top in google with 5-6 different cities.

Please call me , Daniel 510-684-7207, web design & SEO

I will check these list for your website.

1. Title Tag Optimization
2. Meta Tag Optimization (Description, keyword and etc)
3. Heading Tags Optimization
4. Targeted keywords are not placed into tags
5. Alt / Image tags Optimization
6. Google Publisher is missing
7. Custom 404 Page is missing
8. The Products are not following Structured markup data
9. Word-Press is not installed properly, in the blogs
10. Website Speed Development (Both Mobile and Desktop )
Please check via Google Developer –
11. Favicon needs to be changed too.
12.Off –Page SEO work web design , 4921 wagon wheel way El Sobrante Ca 94803 USA | phone: 510-684-7207 (Daniel,

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