This is my chicken manure , one of my favorite soil enriching fertilizer product,
even if it smells so strong…!
I bought 2 grape trees from home depot
this year, i want to plant this cherry tree in my garden
It requires a lot of energy to dig this much size of pit, during this work, my metabolism increased and my body fat is burnt, it is good weight loosing exercise
this is my Fuji apple tree
This is my Fig tree that i planted a week ago.(4/7/2016)
I made many holes on the card board bin to help the root grow out
After pouring the whole bag of chicken manure in the empty space of the ground, I put the regular soil on top of the manure.
digging a big pit hole to plant my apple tree is also weight loss activity, i lose 1/2LB after this project.
it is full body moving exercise and you can losing weight in 30 minutes.